Top 5 Most Effective Sustainable Changes

Top 5 Most Effective Sustainable Changes

These are the top 5 most effective sustainable changes that you can make in daily life. These changes have on average the largest impact on the climate. They also ensure an environmentally friendly world.

For once, let’s be completely honest. The earth is not doing well. The world is as we speak on fire. We still revolve around the facts. It is still not seen enough as a problem.

Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

The information about climate change has been known for more than 30 years. This information has been ignored to this day. We are in the greatest crisis that humanity has ever known. But not enough people, and even world leaders, seem to realize this.

Wherever you are in the world, whatever you do and no matter how old or young you are, action must be taken. The climate crisis should be the topic of conversation 24/7. For everyone, and now. Together we can make a difference.

“Yes, but…”

What would you do if your house was on fire? Are you going to look for the nearest fire extinguisher as quickly as possible to put out the fire? Ask for help and making sure the fire does not spread?

Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

Or, do you sit on a chair and throw some extra firewood on top?

Probably almost everyone would do everything they could to put out the fire. After all, it is your house, your home.

Yet the opposite appears. There are forest fires worldwide. Not just in Australia. Also in Portugal, France, Brazil, Indonesia, Siberia, Alaska, Greenland, California and many more. Floods, dying species and pollution are becoming more common.

The world, and therefore our home, is literally on fire. But still it is not recognized as a problem enough. People still look away and the majority still continue with what they have always done.

Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

What are the most effective ways to contribute?

Many people want to do something, but do not know how. Or, some are super good, but not effective.

That is why I have made a top 5 with the most efficient sustainable changes to combat climate change. With these top 5 most efficient sustainable changes you can contribute a lot to help the climate.

Of course it is almost impossible to apply all of these ways in your daily life from one day to the next. Take small steps. See what you can do with it. Don’t be too strict on yourself.

Top 5 Meest Efficiënte Duurzame Veranderingen | Emma Wouterson | | De Verborgen Impact
De Verborgen Impact – Babette Porcelijn

A lot of inspiration, some of the tips and images are derived from this book. I recommend everyone to read this book. This is real, sincere information you want about climate change and what you can do about it individually. – De Verborgen Impact, Babette Porcelijn

Top 5 Most Effective Sustainable Changes

Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

1. Change your perspective, your believes, your mindset

Emma Wouterson | Duurzaam, authentiek, simpel |

The first and most important step is to acknowledge the problem. To realize that the world is in crisis. Humanity has caused that crisis. The problem is much bigger than we can imagine.

We have to realize that we have to pull very hard before it is too late. We must realize that we are dependent on nature. Nature not on us. This awareness is so incredibly important. Without nature, there are no people. Without nature, everything we have now, would no longer exist.

What is left without nature? Make the assessment. Choose what is important.

In this way it becomes much easier, more fun and more challenging to think and live in an environmentally friendly way. It is easier to change habits. You place less value on all “luxury”, and more on nature.

2. Stay informed

It is important to do a lot of research. To be as involved with this topic as possible and to learn as much as possible. This makes it easier to stay motivated and to take action. You can gain information through podcasts, documentaries, books, the news and social media

3 . Fight for What’s right

Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

Vegan food, minimalist living, sustainable habits … All this is great and it is super important that we do this more. However, world leaders and governments ultimately have the most impact. They can take major measures. There are more and more protests, actions and strikes when it comes to climate change.

Take Action

World leaders have denied this crisis for more than 30 years and have not taken action. They do not comply with the agreements. Now more and more actions, protests and strikes. These receive a lot of media attention. Because of this, politics can no longer ignore it. Pressure is being put on the government. They too are gradually beginning to understand how big the problem is and that major measures must be taken.

But this is still too slow. More attention must therefore be paid to this subject. One of the effective ways to get attention for this topic is by protesting, taking action and strike.

If this is completely new to you, I recommend that you listen to this podcast by Cecilia Adorée. With the info from this podcast you will be made to think.

You can join the following action groups:

Extinction Rebellion |

FridaysForFuture |

4. Stop buying stuff

Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

The items and clothing that we collect around us have on average the largest impact on the world. Especially making things and clothing brings a lot of pollution with it. We have much faster access to certain things. We are also tired of things faster. There is always something new that we think we need. Over-consumption and mass production cause a lot of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

How do you stop buying stuff?

Is it an addiction? A habit? A luxury? Buying lots of stuff is so “normal” in the time we live in. So it’s not always easy to just stop and change your life.

The biggest tip I can give you is to watch the documentary “Minimalism”. This is just on Netflix and helps you to live a more conscious, valuable and sustainable life. They show why buying things is not necessary.

To buy less / sustainable clothing you can read my article about second-hand fashion!

5. Go Vegan

Emma Wouterson | Duurzaam, authentiek, simpel |

Wait!! Don’t skip! I know that there is a lot of discussion, disagreement and criticism about this topic. But let me explain …

The consequences of eating meat and dairy:
  • On a huge scale forests are being cut down. A lot of land is needed for animal food production. This causes extinction of wild animals, co2 emissions and destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Large amounts of greenhouse gases emitted by the animals themselves. This leads to global warming, which in turn causes drought, water shortages and forest fires.
  • A lot of water is used for growing animal food and for drinkwater for the animals.
  • A big part of fertile soil is being confiscated.
  • The fertilizer used for growing livestock feed causes acidification and contamination of the soil. 
Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes | Emma Wouterson |

For the area of agricultural land from which a meat eater can be fed, 3 to 7 or 12 to 20 vegans can live.

The impact on the environment of vegans and vegetarians is therefore much less than for people who do eat meat and dairy. Far fewer trees will be felled. There is also much less CO2 emissions and pollution. Less water is needed and there is less acidification of the soil.

This is the top Top 5 Most Efficient Sustainable Changes that I have compiled. It is important that you always do enough research. Perhaps there are other facts that compile another top 5. When you find this info, let me know in the comments! We can learn from each other again.

Anyway, this info is super important. Help me by sharing this article via Facebook. You can also share my Instagram post in your story (@emmawouterson).

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Good Vibes,

Sources: De Verborgen Impact, National Geographic, Welingelichte Kringen,