7 Tips For a Sustainable Winter

7 Tips For a Sustainable Winter

It is almost winter! Nature changed. It’s getting colder and it’s time for fun! We can also do a lot in winter to contribute to the environment. That is why here are 7 tips to get through the winter as sustainable as possible!

eco friendly Winter | Zero Waste | groceries | Emma Wouterson | www.emmawouterson.com

When it gets colder we prefer to turn the heating on as quickly as possible. Brr .. Time to stay inside!

The only downside to this is that the energy you use to heat your home or apartment is roughly ⅓ of your total energy use in your home. When you heat your house it costs a lot of energy and resources, and is therefore quite harmful to the environment.

Of course I don’t want you to get sick from the cold because the heating is off. My intention is therefore not to convince you that the heating may never be switched on again. Sometimes we just turn the heating on too quickly, out of habit. As a result, unnecessary energy is wasted. You can prevent this with these tips!

Here are 7 tips to get through the winter as sustainable and healthy as possible!

1. Warm Socks

I grew up with this habit. When you are cold, just put on a thick sweater or warm socks. Wearing a hat also works well! Your body is very capable to keep you warm. These things help with that! If you are still cold, it also helps to run up and down the stairs or to do 10 squats (yes, seriously). This way you are immediately warm again simply by moving.

2. Cold Showers

A cold shower in the morning may not sound very tempting, especially when it is cold outside! Yet it has many advantages.

By taking a cold shower, your body will keep you warm for a longer amount of time. Also your immune system will improve! Cold showers reduce stress and you stay energized and cheerful throughout the day. There are many more benefits! Maybe worth a try? Read more about the benefits of cold on the Wim Hof website.

3. Warm Drinks

tea | Warming Winter tea | Sustainable Winter | www.emmawouterson.com | Emma Wouterson

Mmm .. This may sound more tempting … Making hot drinks out of natural ingredients! Things like ginger, red pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, lemon etc. These ingredients warm you up from the inside, are super healthy and are anti-inflammatory! Ideal of course for the winter when it is cold and there are flus …

4. Keep Your Body Moving!

Dog walking | Zero Waste | groceries | Emma Wouterson | www.emmawouterson.com

When it is cold, we tend to stay inside and nestle in our bed or on the couch. This is cozy and nice of course, but it should not be that we are stopped by the cold weather, to get the most out of our day!

Step out the door for a walk in nature. It is one of the best times of the year to go outside! That way you also tend to switch on the heating less quickly.

TIP: I always like to visit a dog shelter to bring a dog when I go out! Extra company and the dog shelter will be happy. Check if there is a dog shelter in your area and call them 🙂

5. Thrifting

thrifting | second hand fashion | slow fashion | Sustainable living | www.emmawouterson.com
Also read: No More Fast Fashion – 3 Thrifting Tips

You may some new warm winter clothes. Before you go out to buy new clothes, you can always check the thrift stores! This saves a lot of money and has a major positive impact on the environment! Want to know why? Look here! In this article I also share tips and tricks for thrifting!

6. Only buy groceries that fit this season

Sustainable Winter | Zero Waste | groceries | Emma Wouterson | www.emmawouterson.com

Some vegetables grow more easily in winter than other seasons (think of pumpkin, endive, cauliflower, potato, red cabbage, leek, beetroot, mushroom, kale, onion, carrot, string beans etc …). As a result, they use less energy to grow and it is therefore best to choose these vegetables in order to have the least possible impact on the environment! For a sustainable Winter you can always try to find seasonal veggies.

7. Shop Local

Choose vegetables that are grown locally. At least in Europe, but the closer, the better! In this way, as little energy as possible is used when transporting vegetables.

In general, food has much less impact on nature if it is produced in the Netherlands than, for example, in New Zealand. Purely because the “travel time” for these products is much shorter and less vehicle emissions are wasted.

In the Netherlands we are very lucky that we have so much fertile soil. So there are enough tasty vegetables to be found!

If you have access to a market, I definitely recommend you browse around there. A lot of choice and a good chance that it has been rebuilt locally. If you are not sure, you can always check with the seller! In addition, the atmosphere is super nice.

Sustainable Winter | Zero Waste | groceries | Emma Wouterson | www.emmawouterson.com

Alright, that’s it for now! I hope these tips can help you to get through the winter as sustainable as possible! Share your favorite tip, opinion or questions with me in the comments, I am really curious! I also share a new article every Wednesday and Friday with tips on how to live in an environmentally friendly life!

Would you like to know more about how you can live in such an environmentally friendly way and therefore make a difference? Sign up here for the newsletter! You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

Good Vibes,

Bron: De Verborgen Impact door Babette Porcelijn